Eat Green | Live Green

Dancing in the kitchen

BWA – or not September 7, 2010

Filed under: "The Love",Life,Music,Nostalgia — Eat Green | Live Green @ 11:20 pm

I’m writing this post fairly late on Tuesday night.  This is important to know, because on Tuesday afternoon, I declared that I was NOT going to write today, because it was going to lead to what I affectionately referred to as BWA.  (That’s “Bloggging While Annoyed” to those of you who aren’t in my head.)

I was annoyed.  I was annoyed at everything.  For those of you who don’t know (which really can’t be many people since only people I know read this…), I had some ankle surgery done a few weeks ago.  I am SO lucky that I’m already out of pain and feeling pretty good about things!  There is just one little inconvenience.  I can’t use my right foot.  And my left one isn’t that great.  And so life is a bunch of little challenges right now.  Those of you who know me (which is everyone) have probably figured out that being kept down isn’t something that I deal with well.  Today was one of those days.

I wanted to stand up and stretch.  A giant almost-back-breaking arms-out grizzly bear kind of stretch!  And then I was going to get back to my life.  However, that isn’t in the cards right now, and it was driving me crazy.  I twisted in my chair.  I laid down and tried rolling around a little bit.  I could not get that stretch and things just kept getting more and more and MORE annoying.  Everything. Trying to get back to work.  Not being at home.  Being dependent on other people.  My dog.  The crossword puzzle.  Daytime television.  Everything.  That is when I declared that I was NOT writing, because it would be BWA, and who really wants to hear about that?

Then, something magic happened.

I took a shower.  Something that you really don’t need to hear about, but I was even more annoyed because the whole damn thing was a production and I had to sit down to do it.

Hang with me for a sec, and we’ll hop on the train of thought.

I’m annoyed.
I don’t want to be doing this, even though I know I have to be.
This seriously is fantastic shampoo.  *SNIFF*
Still annoyed with life, shampoo or not!

Then I started thinking about a message I read on Facebook earlier in the day.  I had just gotten in touch with an old friend, and we were discussing what would have happened if we had stayed in the same city instead of my family coming to Nashville.  The results were “fantastic abs from giggling so much.”  Somehow, my mood changed and I was smiling.

All I could think was that I wanted to share this feeling!  This happiness.  This bubbly-ness.  This giggly-ness.  Everyone should feel like this!  Typically, my roommate/friend is the one who has to hear about all this, but as I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m recouping elsewhere, so I couldn’t yell down the stairs to her.  Plus, I wanted to tell EVERYONE!  (And what better way to reach ONES OF PEOPLE than this blog?!!??!!?  But how to incorporate this into Eat Green | Life Green?  I wasn’t eating, and I just happened to be alive at the time…)

I loved the fact that I was loved.  It dawned on me that I make a difference to people – just like everyone else in the world.  It dawned on me that I really do, in all non-cheesiness, love my life.  For a lot of simple reasons.  And I hope that you’ve hung in this post long enough to think about why you love your life and maybe for a second you can get that same feeling!

Since this is a food blog, I love that I cook for my family and friends and that they enjoy it.

Despite the fact that this is a food blog, I love that I have family and friends to cook for.

I love that I get to listen to really good music a lot, and I’m lucky enough to live in a city where I’m surrounded by it.

I love that every summer, once a week, I get to take a little trip down to the farm and pick up my food from the people who harvested it that day.  There is always a little extra love in my veggies, and it reminds me to put a little love in my meals.

I love that I have people who will read this all the way through, despite the rambling.

And I love that someone out there is getting great abs reading this, thinking of memories from more years ago than we’d like to count!

Now, take a second and tell me what you love in the comment section.  I promise that you’ll feel fantastic after thinking about it, and I guarantee that you’ll come up with more things than you ever thought!

And if you need some help thinking about it, listen one of my favorite songs while you think about it.  It’s amazing.